About me
About me:
I am a novelist, poet, short story writer, content writer and journalist.
My books include The Rhythm of Stones, a collection of poems and photographs, and a glossy art book, Angels: millennial messengers.
I’ve written a children’s picture book about underpants and a play about centenarians. An essay about Will Self and the M40 made its way into Common Ground: around Britain in 30 writers and I contributed a chapter to The Rough Guide to First-Time Africa.
I worked for many years as a features writer for national newspapers, mornings spent interviewing film stars and afternoons interviewing recovering alcoholics. In-house, I worked my way down from the Guardian to the Daily Express, holding commissioning editor roles at both.
These days, amongst other things, I build web content and launch web channels for organisations ranging from the British Council to Wanadoo.
I’ve had poems on London buses, been on Radio 4 and the World Service, and taught inner city kids podcasting and poetry.
And I ran Storyville, organising talks with well-known agents and publishers to help writers with the business side of things.
I’ve won numerous awards. My short stories have been described by poet, critic and poker player, Al Alvarez, as “Stylish, beady eyed, wildly inventive and very funny.”
I’m a member of the Society of Authors and am on the Editorial Board of the National Association of Writers in Education, Writing in Education.
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